The life and death
of one of the most notorious gangsters of our time.
Al Capone, the Italian-born American gangster who terrorized Chicago in the 1920s and 30s, was born.

Under the cover of legal business, he was involved in bootlegging, gambling, and pimping.
January 17
The number of his victims is anyone’s guess.
"You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone"
Al Capone’s criminal career began with his participation in a local gang as a bouncer he guarded an establishment belonging to the gang. By the age of 18, he was already on the police’s radar.
is mine
The Great Al fled New York and followed Torrio to settle in Chicago.
criminal empire
35 million dollars 1,000 gangsters
Here his pimping business in bordellos began to flourish.

Despite the disrespect for pimps in the gangster world, his four-story bar, The Four Deuces, brought in $ 35 million a year ($ 420 million today)
At the age of 26, Al Copone became the head of an entire criminal empire with more than 1,000 gangsters.
criminal empire
35 mln dollars 1,000 gangsters
It was Al Capone who introduced the concept of racketeering. He was one of the five "owners" of the city who divided Chicago into spheres of influence and began to control everything from mayoral elections to the sale of chewing gum.
The concept of money laundering also emerged during Al Capone's "reign".
The mafioso created a huge network of laundries with very low prices. It was difficult to keep track of the actual number of customers who came to do laundry, so you could write almost any income you wanted.
At the time of the Chicago division alone, Al Capone had more than
500 lives
In the early '30s, Al Capone found himself in prison.

But not for countless murders and criminal business, but for tax evasion.
The court decided 11 years. The money didn't help.
In the early '30s, Al Capone found himself in prison.

But not for countless murders and criminal business, but for tax evasion.
For the first few years, Grand Al was still doing dark deeds straight from prison.
And after the transfer to Alcatraz life went downhill.
There was no power among the prisoners. Diagnosed syphilis and gonorrhea had taken a heavy toll on his health.
After 7 years — early retirement. Health is critical.
The empire collapsed.
Al Capone died on January 25, 1947, of cardiac arrest at the age of 48, surrounded by his family.

The grave of the king of the underworld is in Chicago, under an unremarkable stone slab bearing his name.
January 25
The non-profit project was carried out as part of a training course. All materials belong to the copyright holders.

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